Open access fees are charges that authors or their funding agencies pay to make their research articles freely and immediately available to anyone, without requiring a subscription or pay-per-view access. Open access fees are often charged by publishers to cover the costs associated with manuscript processing, peer review, copyediting, typesetting, and online hosting.

For the EM Journal series, the open access fee is 400 euros per article. This fee will be charged to authors upon acceptance of their manuscript for publication. The open access fee will be used to cover the costs of manuscript processing, copyediting, typesetting, and online hosting, as well as to support the ongoing operation and development of the journal series.

Authors who are unable to pay the open access fee due to financial constraints may request a waiver of the fee. The journal series may consider such requests on a case-by-case basis, taking into account factors such as the author’s country of residence, funding status, and financial need.

It is important to note that the open access fee does not guarantee acceptance of the manuscript for publication. Manuscripts will be evaluated based on their scientific quality and relevance to the scope of the journal series, and acceptance decisions will be made independently of the authors’ ability to pay the open access fee.